Monday - Friday8AM - 9PM
OfficesBloomsbury Square, London WC1B 4EA
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Accounting Services


& Book-keeping

Accounting is considered to be the language of a business. Each company goes through several transactions and a straightforward process of recording all of these exchanges is referred to as bookkeeping.

No matter the size of a business, accounting and bookkeeping needs to be practiced hand-in-hand for clear understanding of the company’s financial features. Here at Arthshashtri Corporate Services LLC, we have expert accounting professionals to manage your accounting and bookkeeping activities.

A detailed view of operational expenditures.

Effective planning and control of monetary finance.

Easy evidence recognition of any business misbehaviors.

Bring about a convenient understanding of a business’s income.


Financial Status of
Your Business in a Glance


Audit & Assurance

Audit constitutes the systematic review and assessment of all the documents or information. While assurance is a service delivered with the aim of enhancing transparency and quality of information.
With the help of our audit and assurance service, businesses are not just able to comply with the applicable reporting standards but also are able to get crucial insights and identify internal management issues.

Professional Team
We have got an expert team of professionals to bring you credible and reliable audit reports.
Focus On Value
Our priority is to add value to our clients. With our services, you can focus on your business while we keep your book of accounts in check.
Client Centric
We always put our client's needs first, therefore our audit and assurance services are practical, customizable and implementable.
High Transparency
We maintain full transparency of information to build a reliable and trusted relationship with our clients.

Build Your Business
To Become Competitive

Due Diligence

We offer our expert Due Diligence services to help businesses manage as well as mitigate the risks involved. Here at Arthshashtri Corporate Services LLC, we take the approach of intense research and analysis that enables us to deliver due diligence reports that allow you to make critical decisions related to business partnerships.

Make the most optimized investment decisions for your business with our thorough reports developed by our dedicated and professional team. Our team members are experts in the banking and finance field that makes them more than capable of offering the best due diligence support.

Understanding Needs
Our goal is to fulfill our client's ultimate goals and understanding their needs is the key to  achieving that.
Research & Analysis
We engage in heavy research and analysis to understand your business and apt solutions needed to unleash its full potential.
Customized Solutions
We focus on giving our clients solutions that are customized as per their business needs.

Build Your Business
To Become Competitive

  • Due Diligence
  • ERP design & implementation
  • Stock Audit

We offer our expert Due Diligence services to help businesses manage as well as mitigate the risks involved. Here at Arthshashtri Corporate Services, we take the approach of intense research and analysis that enables us to deliver due diligence reports that allow you to take critical decisions related to business partnerships.

Make the most optimized investment decisions for your business with our thorough reports developed by our dedicated and professional team. Our team members are experts in the banking and finance field that makes them more than capable of offering the best due diligence support.

Establishment of a successful ERP system is considered to be the foundation of any company as it allows streamlining of business operations and improving current workflows. However, designing an ERP system is not enough unless its implementation is done correctly as per the specific business’s needs. We at Arthshashtri Corporate Services offer ERP advisory and tailored solutions that will help in the designing and implementation of the ERP system for your business like a nice suit.

With our help, you can take a step towards the digital transformation and make your business thrive in the competitive market.

Stock audit refers to the manual verification of the inventory with computed stock retained by the company. The primary purpose of stock audit is to eliminate the discrepancies in the stock book and by passing adjustment entries.

Here at Arthshashtri Corporate Services, we ensure this statutory process is performed expertly and timely while you focus on running the business. With our stock audit service, you can make better decision making steps that would help your business thrive for current and future market patterns.

Understanding Needs
Our goal is to fulfill the ultimate goals of our clients and understanding their needs is the key to achieve that.
Research & Analysis
We engage in heavy research and analysis to understand your business and apt solutions needed to unleash its full potential.
Customized Solutions
We focus on giving our clients solutions that are customized as per their business needs.

ERP Design
& Implementation

The establishment of a successful ERP system is considered to be the foundation of any company as it allows streamlining of business operations and improving current workflows. However, designing an ERP system is not enough unless its implementation is done correctly as per the specific business’s needs.We at Arthshashtri Corporate Services LLC offer ERP advisory and tailored solutions that will help design and implement the ERP system for your business like a nice suit. With our help, you can take a step towards the digital transformation and make your business thrive in the competitive market.


Stock Audit

Stock Audit

Stock audit refers to the manual verification of the inventory with computed stock retained by the company. The primary purpose of stock audit is to eliminate the discrepancies in the stock book and by passing adjustment entries.

Here at Arthshashtri Corporate Services LLC, we ensure this statutory process is performed expertly and timely while you focus on running the business. With our stock audit service, you can make better decision-making steps to help your business thrive for current and future market patterns.